Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The work begins...

The first day of classes (yesterday) went well. I have a cinema class, and turns out all the people in the class really like movies.  I just vote George Clooney all the way. The teacher is really nice and makes lots or jokes, at one point I was laughing so hard I almost cried. And then he says ¨¨OO the German likes that one¨¨ in Spanish of course. But now I am affectionately called the German. 

I went home for lunch and had plantain, which are deep fried green bananas with like refried black beans on top. It was delicious, but slows you down. With this heat I would think their diet would consist of more light and fresh foods but so far I am loving the food. For dinner we had hamburgers. Turns out eating a hamburger with a tortilla is actually a preferable way to do it here. They call it a hamburger de ticos. I also went to the market today with my madre and she had a great time telling everyone about my allergy.  And they would all laugh when she told them I can´t even drink beer. I feel like I may have missed some details…

I spent the afternoon at the beach the water is SO warm! It is like taking a bath. I am surprised every time by the salt though. The overall beach has nothing on Grand Haven, it makes me miss it L but I still enjoy it.

We also started dance class last night. And I was slightly disappointed, the teacher I think just likes to dance so he just dances the whole time while we try to copy what he does. There is also only 2 boys for the probably close to 20 girls. We have a great time though.

I also got my first taste of wildlife yesterday,  that is besides the Musquitos. I saw a 2  foot lizard, I am guessing Iguana,  Just chilling in the street. I scared it and then it ran back into a pipe that runs under the sidewalk probably only 4 inches in diameter. There were lots of pelicans at the beach as well as living sand dollars and little tiny snails. At home I saw a cockroach in my room…I wasn’t sure if attempting to kill it was the best idea so I let it crawl on and just prayed that it can climb up things. I have been attempting to include pictures but currently have had no success. I will keep trying.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is making me smile a lot! I'm glad you are enjoying yourself but am jealous that everyone there gets to hang out with you this summer! Keep writing!! I LOVE hearing what is going on! :):)
